Supporting young carers and their families: an introductory guide for professionals

Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Name of resource: Supporting young carers and their families: an introductory guide for professionals
Author details: The Children’s Society
Format: Guidance for Practioners
Target group: Practitioners
Purpose of the resource: This booklet is designed to raise awareness of young carers. It explains assessment entitlement and presents suggestions for good practice given by young carers and those who work with them and highlights useful resources for practitioners.
Resource developed: Developed to raise awaresenss and present suggestions of good practice when working with young carers.
Copyright: Copyright protected
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Description: The key to change is the development of a whole-family approach and for all agencies – including children’s and adult’s services – to work together to offer coordinated assessments and services to the child and the whole family. There may be differences of view between children and parents about what constitutes appropriate levels of care, and these may be out in the open or concealed. Resolution requires a whole-family approach and good partnership working.
Why was the resource developed: Developed to raise awaresenss and present suggestions of good practice when working with young carers.