Mamma uovo – la malattia spiegata a mio figlio (Mother egg – the disease explained to my child)

Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Name of resource: Mamma uovo – la malattia spiegata a mio figlio (Mother egg – the disease explained to my child)
Author details: Cancer National Institute of Naples
Format: Video (based on a Book entitled Mother Egg)
Target group: Children young carers and their families
Purpose of the resource: Information provision. The aim is to help children to understand their parents oncological disesase.
Copyright: No
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Description: The importance of talking to children about oncological disesase in an understandable and acceptable manner, in this case through an animated video.
Why was the resource developed: It has been developed to help parents, affected by an oncological disease, to explain to their children the disease they are affected by.