The Triangle of Care. Carers Included: A Guide to Best Practice in Mental Health Care in Scotland (Third Edition, 2019)

Year: 2019
Country: Scotland
Language: English
Name of resource: The Triangle of Care. Carers Included: A Guide to Best Practice in Mental Health Care in Scotland (Third Edition, 2019)
Author details: Carers Trust Scotland (2019)
Format: Guidance/Self assessment tool
Target group: Practitioners in mental health services and carers.
Purpose of the resource: This guide identifies the six key elements (standards) required to achieve better collaboration and partnership with carers in the service user’s and carer’s journey through mental health services. Also provides good practice examples and a self assessment tool for practitioners.
Copyright: Copyright protected
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Description: Services who actively encourage partnerships with carers and give information, support and advice in a considered manner all underpin the duties with the Carers (Scotland) Act.
Why was the resource developed: The concept of a triangle of care has been proposed by many carers who wish to be thought of as active partners within the care team. Greater collaboration between practitioners and carers ensures the best care for the care-recipient.